134th Canton Fair

Aibon all staff invite you to attend the 134th Canton Fair in Guangzhou with Booth No.: 15.3H38 for our latest products.

We believe that you will find our new products more competitive in the areas of design, quality and prices. They should get a very good reception in your market and help you grow your business further.

Our booth details are as follows:

The 134th Canton Fair in Guangzhou

Booth No.: 15.3H38
Date:  April.23 ~April.27.2023

Time: 9:00~17:00

 We are ready to encounter the new challenges with you. Whoever supports Aibon Safety at tough times WINS OUR HEART!

One Stop Gloves OEM Manufacturer

AIBON provides a one-stop gloves OEM soulution for our customers, we won't let you down!
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