What are the Stickiest Gloves for Football

Probably, you are wondering why football gloves should be sticky. Or, you would like to know how to choose the right sticky football gloves.

If that is the case, then this guide has all the information you are looking for:

Why do you need Sticky Football Gloves?

Sticky Football Gloves
Sticky Football Gloves

There are many reasons why sticky football gloves are needed. These reasons include:

· Improves Player Performance

As a footballer, there is no way your passes will be intact without the right grip. It is easier to throw balls more precisely and accurately when your ball grips are spot-on. With sticky gloves, you get to catch balls with much greater accuracy. This prevents ball fumbling and ensures the securing of the ball as you run.

· Boosts Player Confidence

Your confidence will always be high when you wear the right stick gloves. Dropping balls easily can kill your confidence and make the game frustrating for you. Since you know your gloves are just right, you do not worry when catching the ball. Also, you are focused, knowing the next move to make.

· Safety Assured

It is easy for you to hurt or injure yourself when you drop balls with ease due to the wrong gloves on. Gloves, generally, will keep you warm when the weather is very cold. This helps to keep your hands very warm and flexible, too.

Types of Stickiest Gloves

On the market for sticky football gloves? You should know that there are three main types. These are the receiver, padded receiver gloves, and Linemen gloves.

American Football Player with Gloves
American Football Player with Gloves

Receiver Gloves

Out of all three football gloves, this type takes the lead in popularity. Below are some of their unique features:

  • Thinnest football glove.
  • Lightest-weight football glove.
  • They are the stickiest.
  • They have the tackiest grip for perfect catches.
  • Provides footballers with right-hand control and total flexibility.
  • Comfortable
  • Breathable
  • Different sizes to meet different needs.
  • Comes in sizes for kids as well.
  • Both machine-washable and non-machine-washable types exist.

These gloves are suitable:

  • Running Backs
  • Receivers
  • Linebackers
  • Quarterbacks
  • Defensive Backs
  • Athletes
  • 7v7 Football
  • Flag football

Padded Receiver Gloves

This is another type of sticky glove. Below are some of its features:

  • Perfect grip.
  • Flexibility and support are excellent.
  • Has thicker material
  • Unique sizes to make decisions easier.
  • Made with extra padding behind the hand to ensure more protection. This also makes it absorb shocks perfectly.
  • Colors differ to meet your unique color needs.
  • Some brands come with machine-washable features, while others do not. So, you need to have this checked before you buy.

These gloves are perfect for:

  • Perfect for players with offensive skills. This is because they need more support for their hands.
  • It is also perfect for defensive players or linemen who make tackles regularly.
  • Running Backs
  • Linebackers

Linemen Gloves

These gloves are designed to meet the needs of football linemen. Below are some unique features they come with:

  • Very thick
  • Made with very firm material.
  • Come with a lot of padding on the back of the hand. This ensures your safety in contact as well as in the trenches.
  • They provide extra hand support with their extra wrist stability feature.
  • Comes in unique colors to meet your needs.
  • Comes in different sizes.
  • Inner linings are made to be smooth to enhance wearing comfort.

These gloves are ideal for:

  • Offensive linemen such as guards, tackles, and centers.
  • Defensive linemen like ends, tackles, and edge rushers.

At AIBON, we have a range of custom gloves for your specific requirements. Contact us now for all your gloves.

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